今晚終於看到耳聞已久的艾文艾利美國舞蹈劇場(Alvin Ailey American Dance Thater),以及他們演出的《Revelations(啟示錄 ,1960)》。
目前分類:看舞心得 (3)
- Apr 26 Sun 2009 02:27
- Sep 13 Sat 2008 22:33
- Feb 27 Wed 2008 06:02
Ardent Song Redux, How About The Audience?
Time: 8 pm, 2008/2/1
Venue: Tilles Center for the Performing Arts, NY (2242 seats)
Group: Martha Graham Dance Company
Repertories: Appalachian Spring, Ardent Song (Redux), Diversion of Angels, Sketches from Chronicle
On the night of Friday, February 1, 2008, raining, thousands of the audience gathered at the 2242-seat North Fork Hall of Tilles Center, Long Island’s primary concert hall, for the performance of Martha Graham Dance Company, the oldest modern dance company in the world.
Before the curtain rose, instead of feeling particularly excited, I was feeling more curious about what I was about to see onstage